Commerce7 via WordPress

A powerful plugin for customizing Commerce7 within WordPress.
Match your website design and visual brand identity, elegantly.

What it does

  • Integrates Commerce7 easily
  • Customizes your styling to reflect your brand
  • Presents product layout options
  • Extends the utility menu
  • Works within the WordPress block editor

Commerce7 Integration

This plugin seamlessly integrates Commerce7’s v2 front-end e-commerce app into WordPress websites.

It creates the default pages for Collections, Products, Clubs, Account Profile, Reservation, Cart, and Checkout.

It includes many customizations and improvements that would typically take a developer hours to implement, allowing you to modify the appearance and configuration of your e-commerce elements, anytime. Control your layout, fonts, colors, and more.

WordPress Support

It provides a set of exclusive tools for deploying Commerce7 content into WordPress wherever block editor or shortcodes work, including pages, posts, and the full site editor.

It supports the block editor natively, and includes several blocks and editor palette support for easy e-commerce integration throughout your site.

Several shortcodes are included for websites using other page builders, legacy, and custom-coded implementations.


Explore the documentation for the following plugin features:


Learn more about the plugin with the answers to frequently asked questions.

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